In-line with recent Government announcements, our showrooms are now fully open as from the 15th June 2020 and you are able to browse, purchase and chat to our customer service team about all enquiries.
(Please NOTE our Ashton showroom will not be re-opening until further notice, as it is undergoing a refit).
It’s important that you can visit our showrooms safely, so we’ve been busy adapting new processes to keep you and our colleagues safe. Special measures will be in place for safer shopping, to prevent contact and to maintain social distancing. Here we list the measures we have in place for our showrooms re-opening to keep everyone safe…
1| We are asking customers to observe social distancing measures at all times whilst in the showroom - navigational markers will be on the floor to guide you safely through the showroom
2| When the showroom gets to capacity we are asking customers to wait in a socially distanced queue outside
3| Whenever possible we are asking for customers to pay by contactless or card payment
4| Protective screens are in place at our sales desks
5| We are kindly asking that if you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19, not to enter the showroom & to call us instead
6| Reminders are around the showroom reminding people not to touch unnecessary surfaces where possible
7| Whilst you are more than welcome in our showrooms please try and limit groups to no more than two people
8| There will be regular and enhanced cleaning procedures as well as stringent hygiene protocols with all necessary sanitising products
Please be assured we are doing all we can to ensure the safety our our customers and colleagues at this time.
We will continue to monitor the situation but for now, we look forward to welcoming you back!